30 Minutes Massage $40
Enjoy a 30-minute Swedish Massage using Massage oil. This is a great treatment when in a rush and needing a quick massage. It will have you walking out relaxed. Book in today for your 30-minute massage.
45 Minutes Massage $50
Come and enjoy a 45-minute massage where you will be pampered for 45 minutes. Pick an area of your choice where you want the work done, and we will take care of the rest. This treatment finishes off with a hot towel. Book in today for your 45-minute massage.
60 Minutes Massage $60
Come and enjoy an hour-long massage where it will leave you feeling like bliss. This massage will attend to the whole body in a Swedish massage technique, finishing off with hot towels. We use oils for this service which will hydrate your skin. This massage will have you coming back for more. Book in today for your Massage.